csv - Read and Write CSV Files with Selected Conventions
Reads and writes CSV with selected conventions. Uses the same generic function for reading and writing to promote consistent formats.
Last updated 3 years ago
6.07 score 1 stars 4 dependents 558 scripts 1.7k downloadsyamlet - Versatile Curation of Table Metadata
A YAML-based mechanism for working with table metadata. Supports compact syntax for creating, modifying, viewing, exporting, importing, displaying, and plotting metadata coded as column attributes. The 'yamlet' dialect is valid 'YAML' with defaults and conventions chosen to improve readability. See ?yamlet, ?decorate, ?modify, ?io_csv, and ?ggplot.decorated.
Last updated 18 days ago
5.99 score 2 stars 1 dependents 60 scripts 942 downloadstablet - Tabulate Descriptive Statistics in Multiple Formats
Creates a table of descriptive statistics for factor and numeric columns in a data frame. Displays these by groups, if any. Highly customizable, with support for 'html' and 'pdf' provided by 'kableExtra'. Respects original column order, column labels, and factor level order. See ?tablet.data.frame and vignettes.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.57 score 3 stars 26 scripts 966 downloadslatexpdf - Convert Tables to PDF or PNG
Converts table-like objects to stand-alone PDF or PNG. Can be used to embed tables and arbitrary content in PDF or Word documents. Provides a low-level R interface for creating 'LaTeX' code, e.g. command() and a high-level interface for creating PDF documents, e.g. as.pdf.data.frame(). Extensive customization is available via mid-level functions, e.g. as.tabular(). See also 'package?latexpdf'. Support for PNG is experimental; see 'as.png.data.frame'. Adapted from 'metrumrg' <https://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=1215>. Requires a compatible installation of 'pdflatex', e.g. <https://miktex.org/>.
Last updated 5 months ago
5.57 score 1 stars 4 dependents 106 scripts 2.9k downloadsnonmemica - Create and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Context
Systematically creates and modifies NONMEM(R) control streams. Harvests NONMEM output, builds run logs, creates derivative data, generates diagnostics. NONMEM (ICON Development Solutions <https://www.iconplc.com/>) is software for nonlinear mixed effects modeling. See 'package?nonmemica'.
Last updated 2 months ago
4.56 score 4 stars 45 scripts 915 downloadsencode - Represent Ordered Lists and Pairs as Strings
Interconverts between ordered lists and compact string notation. Useful for capturing code lists, and pair-wise codes and decodes, for text storage. Analogous to factor levels and labels. Generics encode() and decode() perform interconversion, while codes() and decodes() extract components of an encoding. The function encoded() checks whether something is interpretable as an encoding. If a vector has an encoded 'guide' attribute, as_factor() uses it to coerce to factor.
Last updated 6 years ago
4.03 score 2 stars 5 dependents 12 scripts 466 downloadsspork - Generalized Label Formatting
The 'spork' syntax describes label formatting concisely, supporting mixed nesting of subscripts and superscripts to arbitrary depth. It intends to be easy to read and write in plain text, and easy to convert to equivalent presentations in 'plotmath', 'latex', and 'html'. Greek symbols and a multiplication symbol are explicitly supported. See ?as_spork and ?as_previews.
Last updated 5 months ago
4.00 score 2 stars 2 dependents 28 scripts 365 downloadsspec - A Data Specification Format and Interface
Creates a data specification that describes the columns of a table (data.frame). Provides methods to read, write, and update the specification. Checks whether a table matches its specification. See specification.data.frame(),read.spec(), write.spec(), as.csv.spec(), respecify.character(), and %matches%.data.frame().
Last updated 1 years ago
3.98 score 1 stars 1 dependents 160 scripts 316 downloadsplotscale - Scale Graphics Devices Using Plot Dimensions
Figures rendered on graphics devices are usually rescaled to fit pre-determined device dimensions. 'plotscale' implements the reverse: desired plot dimensions are specified and device dimensions are calculated to accommodate marginal material, giving consistent proportions for plot elements. Default methods support grid graphics such as lattice and ggplot. See "example('devsize')" and "vignette('plotscale')".
Last updated 7 years ago
2.36 score 23 scripts 192 downloadsscript - Identify Script Name
Identifies the name of the current script in a variety of contexts, e.g. interactively or when sourced. Attempts to support RStudio environment. Based on <https://stackoverflow.com/a/32016824/2292993> and <https://stackoverflow.com/a/35842176/2292993>.
Last updated 3 months ago
2.29 score 195 scripts 227 downloads